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MPs to ensure President fulfills London commitments on family planning

Members of parliament have formed an 8 member task force on London commitments by the president to put in place an action plan on each commitment.

According to the chairperson of the task force Sylvia Namabidde the president made six commitments while at the  London Family Planning Summit which the committee is ensure are to remind the are fulfilled.

Some of the commitments highlighted by the president include increasing government allocations for family planning, strengthening service delivery, preventing stock out of family planning supplies and raising awareness on family planning in rural areas.

She says that they are going to engage all the stake holders to ensure that these commitments are fully implemented.

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Posted by editor on October 23, 2012. Filed under Health & Medical,Latest Uganda News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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