2014 Fulbright Research Awards for Ugandan Scholars
The U.S. Mission is now accepting applications for the 2014 Fulbright African Research Scholar Program. This award funds African university lecturers & professors to conduct postdoctoral research or undertake a planned program of reading and research during the 2014-2015 academic year at a U.S. academic or research institution. Programs involving dissertation research or general professional travel are not eligible under these programs. Ideal programs will contribute to the development of new courses, curricula, or programs upon the participant’s return to her/his home institution.
Application and Selection
Awards are open without regard to academic discipline, faculty rank, sex, or age. Preference will be given to those proposals that best promote the spirit and goals of the Fulbright Program: to increase and enhance mutual understanding between the United States and African countries through inter-personal contact and the sharing of professional/academic experience and expertise among the widest possible audience. This year’s competition includes a special category for scholars with proposals in HIV/AIDS-related research. Preference will also be given to individuals who have not visited the United States for any appreciable period within the past five years. Applicants must have a strong command of the English language. For research applicants, preference is given to individuals who have at least three years of university teaching experience. Applicants must be Ugandan citizens.
All applications should be submitted using the on-line application. Reference letters can be or mailed or delivered directly to the U.S. Mission Uganda Public Diplomacy Section at the reception on Nsambya road (behind the embassy). All applications must include a detailed statement of the proposed research project, a curriculum vitae, a specific justification for the grant period requested, and three letters of reference. At least two references must come from specialists in the field outside the scholar’s own institution. A statement of support from the scholar’s home institution would also be welcome.
Applications will be accepted for either of the following programs:
Research Grants (awards of three to nine months’ duration)
Applicants should have a productive scholarly record and a specific project statement directly related to their on-going teaching and/or research responsibilities. Funding is normally for one term or semester (about four months). Longer grants may be possible if the research project requires more time, as clearly demonstrated in the research proposal. Successful applicants must possess a Ph.D.
Program and Curriculum Development Grants (awards of three to five months’ duration)
Applicants will undertake a planned program of reading and research of benefit to both the scholar and his/her home institution. Proposals should be linked to the applicant’s professional duties (classroom instruction, student advising, and university outreach) and should provide specific details to demonstrate how the scholar would use the knowledge gained to update and improve classroom instruction at the home institution.
Grant Provisions
• Round-trip, economy, international travel and excess-baggage allowance for the grantee,
• For awards of 9 months, travel is provided for up to one dependent,
• A monthly cost-of-living allowance, which is subject to U.S. income tax,
• An allowance for books, research materials, and travel to professional meetings,
• A settling in allowance,
• Limited accident and sickness insurance for the grantee only, and
• An allowance to defray the cost of U.S. medical insurance for a maximum of two dependents
All applications are reviewed by a local selection panel; final nominations are reviewed in the United States by independent review committees. Final selection of awardees is made by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. Whenever possible, scholars should plan to travel beginning August 2014 or January 2015 so as to coincide with U.S. university schedules. Academic programs in the summer months (May through August) are limited.
Public Diplomacy Section
U.S. Mission
P.O. Box 7007 Kampala
May 16, 2013
Posted by John Isma on May 1, 2013. Filed under
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