Journalism Plus is our flagship project where we bring to you compelling journalism pieces on topics and issues often not covered by other media. We shall endevour to look for and fund compelling stories of public interest in order to expose and explore important issues vital in a democratic and economically healthy society, while emphasizing equity and equality.
The stories are presented in all media forms and multimedia as possible, and we invite individuals and organisations to help us identify and fund the stories that are important to bring to light. As with all our stories, Journalism Plus stories are availed to interested media houses so that more people are reached.
For us as an agency, the major aim is to fund and ensure good journalism prevails as many media houses cut their costs and concentrate on easy to do stories. Any journalist can propose article ideas and we fund them to report such good stories. Help us tell the important stories that will shape a better tomorrow.
See below how you can Support Journalism Plus Contact: Tel/ +256782865144/
Examples of Journalism Plus articled produced by Ultimate Media and published by other media houses
Women Who are Difficult to bury
The practice of paying bride price by male suitors is entrenched in many Africa. While highly enjoyed by many in communities, many of its negative consequences are pushing activists to advocate for its abolition or reformation of the traditional practice.
“We have found that women for whom bride price is not paid are freer to go back to their father’s home if the marriage fails. But even then, it is difficult to have a good marriage if bride price isn’t paid for you because society always threatens you with banishment or failing your marriage since you are not paid for. So for most women, bride price is a practice you are damned if you go for it, and damned if you don’t,” Njogu said.
dream come true as KIDA launches health services
A multimedia story on the efforts on how humble efforts of Rev. Ezra Musobozi to empower people of Kitojo are paying off handsomely
Uganda farmers contend with seeds of uncertainty
Many farmers buy seeds that fail to germinate or yield as promise. With a budding but vibrant seed industry in Uganda, many issues are failing to deliver the promise of better seeds as this investigation by Ultimate Media found out.
Uganda Women of Apac crying for a dog that can work
A recent research finds that women in northern Uganda are solely responsible for domestic chores and all household care, while most women go about to drink with mates. How did this come to this, that women should cry for a dog that can work?
Smallholder farmers expect more from World Food Programme’s Purchase for Progress
The World Food Programme started an initiative to purchase food directly from farmers’ groups in order to encourage more small holders to engage in and benefit from commercial farming. But with the WFZP quality requirements, are farmers really benefiting and how?
Reeling with the success and challenges of metal scrap industry in Uganda
Earning a genuine living is hard for many street children in Kampala, Uganda’s capital. But is even harder when you have to sell metal scrap which you get in pain and sell in pain.
Batooro women agree to look to their culture for development
What African cultures and traditions are women seeking empowerment keen on copying? The Batooro of western Uganda share some ideas
Experts call for focus on child nutrition as infants bear burden of global food crisis
A report by IFPRI shows that mothers and young girls are having less food in terms of quality and quantity, and as a result, most children are lacking the food they need to grow healthy and many households find it hard to afford the their food needs.
In Samburu, an ancient shocking, even savage cultural practice remains a grave threat to the life of the girl child. And it all begins with what one may deem an innocent, beautiful beadwork around the neck of a girl, normally below 13 YEARS. NTV’s Rose Wangui went into the pastoralist Samburu community and encounters a community in conflict with itself, a government that has long given up and the indifference of Morans who impregnate young girls and gleefully pass on the burden of crude abortions to submissive mothers desperate to save the face and when they can, lives.
UPDF Bill to punish Women on Pregnancy
When the UPDF Bill was about to be passed by Parliament, no one seemed concerned that women in the army would be suspended if they get pregnant. Published February 28th, 2005, The New Vision
A law to punish people who knowing infect others with HIV?
In 2006 when Uganda government officials started calling for such a law, we set out ask if the law is needed, its implication and how it will be implemented.
Gender Based Violence a Growing Concern in Uganda
An analysis of the Gender Based Violence situation in Uganda that explores the current situation, causes and concerns.
Acholi want more prominent role of Mato Oput
The International Criminal Court indicted LRA rebel leader Joseph Kony to face trial over war crimes. But here is a cry for Mato Oput, the Acholi traditional justice system which elders in the war affected northern Uganda areas believe will best bring about peace.
“The moral question is if all other attempts have been tried and failed, why doesn’t the world listen to voices of people who say we are ready to forgive? We do not need cosmetic justice but need real peace that is long lasting, not grave yard peace where after every one is dead there is peace,” Lutukumoi says.
Banyoro Bakiga Wrangle: Time bomb in Kibaale
Tribal related conflicts break out after an election and we investigate why and how these wrangles have persisted.
Costly Fish Farming in Uganda
A story on the hopes, practices and challenges of fish farming in Uganda.
Makerere’s 1.5 points benefit the privileged
A review of a research report on the 1.5 Points Scheme introduced by government of Uganda to give girls entering university 1.5 extra points in order to bridge the gender gap in higher education. Published 29th November 2004, The New Vision
Kyeyo, a costly blessing
Uganda started a policy of encouraging its citizens to seek work abroad as one way to address unemployment and bring in extra foreign exchange. This story looks at the government policy and its benefits and costs to the country
Coffin Dealers in Uganda
They must sell you the item. But you buy the item only at your saddest moment. How do they negotiate with you the right price, or convince you to buy from them? This story explores the trials and tribulations of coffin sellers in Uganda.
African women more at risk of HIV infection
Uganda’s not so peaceful peacekeeping mission in Somalia
Child Restoration Outreach Gives New Hope to Uganda’s street Children
Acholi want more prominent role for Mato Oput
Female Genital Mutilation continue despite Health Repercussions
How you can help fund Journalism Plus- Donate or Sponsor a story
Help us tell the important stories that will shape a better tomorrow. Support Journalism Plus. We need funds to assign stories of public importance that are currently not affordable for media houses and journalists or not of much commercial interest.
To give you a picture of what your financial help can do
*200,000UGX or $100 pays for an experienced reporter’s per diem (expenses in the field) for a day.
*200,000UGX or $100 pays for transport costs in the field including fuel (upcountry) per day
*300,000UGX or $150 can hire a good video and photo camera for two days assignment OR
*1,600,000UGX or $800 can buy a fair photo camera that can also record good web video
*10,000,000UGX or $5,000 can buy a fairly good HD video camera
*500,000 UGX or $250 can meet honorarium fees for a journalist per well done and produced story
*300,000UGX or $150 can buy an audio recorder or a digital camera to improve a journalist’s work
*2,000,000UGX 0r $1,000 can buy a laptop for a journalist to help them undertake the assignment more reliably without competition for computers or space in our offices or at their place of work.
*1,200,000UGX 0r $600 buys a portable scanner—essential for copying government or company records on site and avoiding high document fees in photocopying or fear of taking out documents.
*2,800,000 or $1,400 can pay a journalist for dedicated reporting on an issue or field for a month, e.g. follow up and write gender, health, environmental or agriculture stories (least 5 news story per week)
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