Ultimate Media Consult (U) Ltd is offering
Multimedia Journalism & Communication Training
–Certificate in Multimedia/DIGITAL Journalism
–Certificate in Multimedia Communication
–Certificate in Multimedia Marketing & Advertising
Why the Training?
For a successful career in today and tomorrow’s Journaism, Public Relations, Communications, Marketing and Advertising, you need multimedia skills that will enable you be more useful to your employer or client in delivering news and information to audiences. You need to understand online news and information delivery, as well as mobile news and information delivery, as well as the interlinking of the different media i.e. newspapers, magazines, television, radio, online and mobile.
Many people want a media that is available all the time when they need to access news or information. A media that is searchable, interactive and engaging i.e. online & mobile -the ‘new media’. More people are increasingly meeting their news and information access & sharing needs online and through mobile. Internet and computer costs are becoming affordable even in developing countries like Uganda. You need the skills and knowledge to take advantage of online and mobile media.
Multimedia Skills you will learn
- Using the web for improved journalism, Communication, Marketing & Advertising
- Multimedia news design packages online and for mobile
- Creating audio photo slides, videos and sharing them online and on mobile
- Video recording, editing, conversion and sharing online e.g. on youtube, vimeo, on your blog or website
- Web design, free and easy to use web publishing platforms like wordpress, blogger etc
- Tips for Online publishing of text, audio, video
- Data Visualization for online communication
- Social networks optimization e.g. facebook, youtube, twitter, flikr etc
- Live reporting and publishing online & mobile
- How to make money publishing online and mobile
- How newspapers, magazines, Television and radio can win with online integration
- Making Maps using different application
- Search engine optimization for your information, website
**Course In just three months, 2hrs per day, 3day a week (of your choice)
**Course available at our offices and online
**Experienced, skilled trainers from Uganda & USA
** We provide Continuing technical support for alumni
YOU MUST be computer literate & a good learner.#
*CERTIFCATES for Senior six & Undergraduate available
*Special training for newspapers, magazines, television and radio media houses available at their stations or as groups at our offices.
**Fees..just $500 per course..or 950,000 UGX. This offer is for a limited time as this training is worth $2,500
Contact: info[@]ultimatemediaconsult.com , +257282865144,

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