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Mend broken family relationships and AIDS will be history

By John Isingoma, Ultimate Media

Mending broken family relationships is key to fighting the HIV/AIDS scourge, the Executive Director of Family Life Network has said.

Stephen Langa who was speaking to over 50 parents undergoing an orientation to serve as resource persons for the Uganda National Parents Network, said that continued threat of HIV/AIDS in the world and particularly Uganda to unhealthy family relationships.

He said that the world is grappling with HIV/AIDS and other problems like prostitution and pornography
because of unhealthy family relationships, adding that the family is the only place people get the highest
fulfillment of basic human needs.

He also said that the family is a natural training ground for good civil behavior like honesty,
tolerance, transparence and patience among others, which protect human beings from negative behaviors, that exposes them to HIV/AIDS.

Langa told the resource persons that where there is normal functioning and health family relationships,
people do not find any reason to engage in abuse of drugs, premarital sex, extramarital sex and
pornography among others.

He said that the family is God’s created order for the preservation of prosperity, health and wealth of
society and if the family is messed up, it begins the circle of human extinction.

Langa called on parents to love their children and spouses and to always labor to create harmonious homes where children feel they are loved, secure and important.

Uganda National Parents Network is a project under Family Life Network, an indigenous non-governmental organization whose aim is to restore family moral and values.

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Posted by on March 16, 2010. Filed under Society & Leisure. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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