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Students team with Police to demonstrate against child trafficking

Asan Kasingye

A number of schools in Kampala teamed up with the Police to organize march through the streets of Kampala as a demonstration of their detest for the vice of drug trafficking in Uganda.

The march which attracted over 20 schools in and around Kampala has had schools like Seroma Christian School, Lohana Academy, Bilal Islamic Institute and a host of others vigilantly partcipate in this march that has ended at the National Theatre.

The Assistant Inspector General of Police, Asan Kansigye told journalists at the National Theatre that he is happy that various schools have teamed up with the police in this march against drug trafficking because it has been noted that drug abuse is becoming an increasingly big challenge in schools.

Kasingye says however it is good that the schools have realized that this problem exists and have exhibited this by teaming up with the police in this march and that such realisation of the problem will go along way in the solving the problem.

Drug trafficking has in the recent past become a big concern in Uganda as increasingly a bigger number of Ugandans is participating in the vice.

By Zacharia Tiberindwa Ultimate Media

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Posted by on July 12, 2010. Filed under Education news,Latest Uganda News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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