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Members of parliament demand regional rehabilitation Centre’s for drug addicts in Uganda

Members of parliament on the committee of Defense and Internal Affairs are demanding for the resetting up of a rehabilitation Centre for drug addicts.

Drug abuse dangerous

The committee vice chairperson Milton Muhuma says the arrest and penalizing of those found abusing drugs is not enough in eliminating drug abuse in the country.

Muhuma says there is need to re-integrate such people into normal society by rehabilitating them through treatment to get them back into their normal life.

He argued the government should setup Regional Centre’s to handle such cases for the benefit of the society.

The committee meeting on Monday has also recommended that the relevant authorities embark on sensitization campaigns to sensitize the public on the negative effects of consuming narcotics and other drugs.

By Mugisa Isaac Mathias


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Posted by on April 18, 2011. Filed under Health,Latest Uganda News,Media Gallery. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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