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Alcohol consumption blamed for poverty in Kabarole district

Excessive drinking of alcohol and idleness have greatly hindered the developmental progress of Busoro sub county in Kabarole district according to the newly sworn in sub county chairperson John Kusemererwa.

Kusemererwa says that a survey shows that most of the youths in the sub county have not been so productive since they spend much of their day time in bars and trading centres.

He says that their life style has attracted most young school going boys that have abandoned school and now stay in most trading centres drinking alcohol.

Sachet Alcohol

Sachet Alcohol

Kusemererwa says that the sub county authorities will not hesitate to crack down all bars that harbor school going children.

He says the main focus this term is to fully implement all government programs of UPE, NAADS, prosperity for all among others that are included in the NRM manifesto.

During the swearing in ceremony that was graced bu the Burahya county member of parliament Hon Stephen Kagwera, Christopher Kyomuhendo was elected as Vice Chairman, Waako Christopher the speaker, Kamara Tom as the secretary for gender and community development among others.

Ultimate Media



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Posted by on May 30, 2011. Filed under Latest Uganda News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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