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LC I general elections for October


Uganda Government has set October 2012 for Local Council One (LC I) national wide Elections.

“The Government has set aside October 2012 as the period during which village and parish local council elections will be conducted across the country,” the State Minister for Local Government Alex Onzima confirmed to Parliament.

He says that about 50 billion shillings is required for the exercise that will be availed this financial year. Responding to a question for oral answer raised by Adjumani Woman MP, Ababiku Jessica, Onzima said that the Electoral Commission had already secured 19 billion shillings which the finance ministry hopes to top up with 49 billion shillings to enable the exercise take place.

The state local government Minister says that consideration and approval of the Local Government Amendment Bill 2012 tabled before Parliament two months back will reduce on the cost of holding the Local Council elections. Currently if the bill is not amended Uganda needs 145 billion shillings to run the LCI elections.

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Posted by on July 12, 2012. Filed under Celebrity gigs,Gossip,Latest Uganda News,Stories Unusual. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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