100 causes of erectile dysfunction
Scientists have discovered that the increasing cases of erectile dysfunction (or person’s inability to maintain an erection for sexual intercourse is a sign for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure.
In many cases erectile dysfunction is caused by causing restricted blood flow in the man’s private parts thus causing poor erection.
Researchers say that erectile dysfunction in some cases is also caused by surgical removal of the prostate gland and surrounding tissue as treatment for prostate cancer. They pronounce that the removal of the prostate gland may cause urinary incontinence and finally erectile dysfunction.
Other causes of erectile dysfunction are smoking, drug and alcohol abuse. These compromise the blood vessels of the penis, leading to poor performance in bed.
The scientists at Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research say that erectile dysfunction is a medical problem if it persists.
The psychologists link sexual dysfunction to depression, old age, child abuse, relationship difficulties, guilt, body image issues, worrying about failure to satisfy a partner, ulcers, poverty and fear to contract sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis and AIDS. While the neurologists attribute erectile dysfunction to poor health conditions such as spinal cord, back injuries and dementia. The neurologists say that these conditions affect the transfer of nerve impulses from the brain to the penis.
Walakira Nyanzi
Molise Reply
August 2, 2012 at 6:07 am
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