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DP’s Mathias Nsubuga still leads Bukoto South by elections

As the clock struck 5:00pm on Thursday evening, it was drizzling in Bukoto South, Lwengo district in greater Masaka.

According to Uganda’s electoral laws this is the stipulated time for starting counting poll results. The Bukoto South race attracted four candidates Mathias Nsubuga (DP), Alintuma Nsambu of NRM, Julius Sentamu of FDC and Dan Katula (Independent).

The preliminary results indicate that the FDC candidate is in the third position, independent candidate is trailing and NRM’s candidate is in the second position while DP’s Nsubuga is leading.

But it is still too early to declare who is automatically the winner of this arguably hottest race among the by elections we have had in Uganda since 2011. Just watch this site we shall keep you up dated ….

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Posted by on July 12, 2012. Filed under Celebrity gigs,Gossip,Latest Uganda News,Stories Unusual. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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